Not Me. . . Tuesday?

I admit.  I AM a day behind. 

I did NOT make a pot of coffee this morning, but forget to put the coffee in AND forget to pour the water in the back of the coffee maker.  If I had done that I basically would have just warmed up a pot of water!  And I am NOT that scatter brained that I would forget the 2 essential steps to coffee making!!

I have NOT put off ordering my Christmas cards until today.  Other people have probably already sent out cards with pictures that I took!  So, being the photographer behind others cards, I would NEVER have neglected ordering my own cards!

Nate and I did NOT sneak in a quiet meal at Texas Roadhouse this past Sunday while we were supposed to be out Christmas shopping.  We would never do that!  But if we did, it would have been awesome, and sooooo deserved!

I promise I will try to do my next “Not Me Monday” post on, well you know, Monday.

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